Oh, I love Rock to death, man. He doesn't inspire me as an actor but, I mean, come on.

Being a professional wrestler surely prepares you for any acting role in that we have to act on live television, so there's a lot of pressure put there.

Any time you're in front of a camera and have them yell 'Cut, re-shoot the scene,' are you kidding me? That's a huge advantage.

I knew that the UFC and that mixed martial arts in general was going to prosper because I was extremely selfish and cocky, and I thought: 'Hey, if I like it, everyone's gonna like it.' Well, it came to fruition, and I chose a character that was not a far departure from myself at all.

I'm sitting here with the Mets, and I get to throw out the first pitch. That's one of the coolest things in the world for anybody.

I'm wired differently.

There's only one reason I would do the kickboxing thing, and that's for myself. I've been doing it as an avid student on-and-off for 10 years, and it's something I really enjoy.

All those guys wanna be us. All the fighters wanna be in professional wrestling; I don't care what they say.

I'm not saying everybody has to walk around with a six-shooter, but they have to be prepared. You don't have to be militarized, but you have to be ready.

Whether it's at a concert in France or a restaurant in the United States, terrorism doesn't have to happen in a military installation by any stretch of the imagination.

Do every single thing you can to protect yourself, your family, and your country.

At the end of the day, it's a very powerful voice when you're able to perform on any level on any stage and have the audience, have the attention of children. It's a gift. It's not to be taken lightly, and it can be used for good or for bad.

I'm not normal.

It's just a really cool deal to be a character in 'WWE 2K17.' Whether it's competing on Nitro or Halloween Havoc, to have me as an available character... it's a tribute.

As a father and an ex-wrestler, it's a dream come true. To be able to come back and be included in 'WWE 2K17,' it's a huge honor.

There's no question, I guarantee you, that you will see more NFL players getting into wrestling. They have the personality for it.

After you ride a roller coaster that's been going up for a year and a half, and you reach the pinnacle and then dive straight down with no gradual decline, it's a little disorienting. I didn't know how to take losing.

That feeling is one of the things that keep me going. On July 6, 1998, I became the WCW heavyweight champion of the world!

I guess I blow all the stereotypes right out of the water.

When you hear of somebody named Goldberg, you think of a guy sitting behind a desk investing your money.

I cherish every moment, because success can be taken right away from you.

They don't pay me enough to take any racial abuse. If you come up to me and say something racially, I'm going to take your head off.

I've got a lot of people I'm carrying on my back, but it's a light load because I take a lot of pride in who I am and where I came from.

I had three intentions when I became a wrestler. One was to keep my integrity. Two was to give pro wrestling a more respectable image. And three was to be a role model to Jewish kids, who may not have thought they could do what I do.