does not look like a proposal at all. It is an insult to the Iranian nation. They have talked in a way as if the Iranian nation was suffering from backwardness, and the time was 100 years ago, and our country was their colony.

this last chance, and continues its defiance, the council will have to make another grim choice, based on the findings of the inspectors ... When that time comes, the council must face up to its responsibilities.

No matter how difficult agreement is, there is no escaping the fact that the challenges of our time must be met by action and today, more than ever, action must be collective if it is to be effective.

So we should be clear that in this situation, we will take the measures to make sure poor and rich have access to the medication and the vaccine required, ... And the decision should be taken ahead of time so that we don't have to quibble about it when the critical and the crisis moment arrive.

These figures are indicative of a steadily deteriorating trend and provide an important indicator of the absence of protection of the right to life which prevails at this time in Iraq,

The Russian ambassador said, 'But what are you complaining about? You've had more time than God.' ... And I explained to him that God had one big advantage: He worked alone, without the General Assembly and the Security Council and the committees.

as I do with the other 190 ambassadors. And we will welcome him at a time when we are in the midst of major reform.

We do not want women, particularly poor women, around the world to suffer, so we are going to do whatever we can to try and bridge the gap until such time that the U.S. position changes,

We can wait until everything is perfect but how much time will that take? One year, two years, three years? Will the population accept this even though they haven't had a chance to vote for 40 years?

Some governments have made it clear that next time around there may not even be time for diplomatic appeals,

It is a serious matter. And we shouldn't forget that the council as a whole got the resolution only last Monday, ... For them to take time and discuss this issue seriously is something we should be grateful for.

He in turn affirmed to me that they are interested in serious and constructive negotiation, but within a time frame.

Time and again, when member states and the governments are faced with an insoluble problem, and they're under pressure to do something, that something usually ends up being referred to the U.N.

This is a huge, huge disaster, ... It is a race against time to save the lives of these people. And I would hope that the international community will respond and those with capacity will do everything possible to work with us and work with the Pakistani government.

I believe it is time for us to work together to try to stabilize Iraq, ... Our decisions should be unified rather than divisive, and I think we would not characterize the decision taken yesterday as unified.

As we move forward, we hope we will be able to work with the Iraqis and the coalition to find a mechanism for establishing a caretaker or an interim government until such time elections are organized,

I am very concerned that despite some signs of progress, the work may not finish on time and that the deadline will be missed,

I have argued for quite a long time that we should define humanitarian assistance in a broad enough manner to allow for assistance and repairs to electricity and heating systems and water for people through the winter, ... Otherwise we will have another humanitarian crisis on our hands.

When economic conditions are difficult, people tend to be less generous and protect themselves; the question of solidarity doesn't mean much to them at that time.

Christians need a time and place to sanctify themselves. It's important to take the time, and early in the morning is a wonderful time to do it.

There was a time, in the not so distant past, that if you didn't have what you needed on Thanksgiving, you were pretty much going to have to wait until Friday. Not anymore!

Jesus' love for His children continues to be the greatest love story of all time.

There is no need to be longwinded as a pastor, but there is a difference between being longwinded and preaching for a long time. Preachers should be conscious of time because God does everything in decency and order; nonetheless, God's word is not on the clock!

You don't see many people crying over the wrong they do to God every time His word is neglected or when one willfully sins.