I've had more than one girlfriend in my life.

My faith gives me the belief that I can go out and perform and improve as a player. It gives me strength and inspiration.

Some people in the press don't respect people in life. I can put my head on my pillow and sleep great because I respect everyone.

One day, when I have my own kids, I'll tell them that, even when their life is not easy, they can still do anything they want. That is the way to approach things.

Communication is always important, but it's a separate type of language in football.

It's always a battle to play against Diego Costa.

Eventually, the truth comes out in sport and in life. When you win, you're praised, and when you lose, you're criticized. That's normal.

Barca are a great team that play fantastic football.

When you live through new experiences and new situations in your life, that's when you grow.

My respect for Chelsea will be forever.

I always love football, but of course it's good when you win and the team is doing well.

This is football, so you need to be clever to understand the moment and win games.

Winning the Premier League is never easy. Whether you're at home or away, the games are always tough.

A World Cup would only be a true experience if I were wearing the Brazilian shirt. Otherwise, it would just be like playing for a club.

The collective comes before the individual.

I am not against freedom of speech, and I recognise the value of fair publication.

I love London. I love the variety, the entertainment, the restaurants and concerts. It's different from what we have in South America.

I was winning everything in Paris. I was there for two years and won all the titles in France. I had a great life, great credibility with the club... I had everything.

I've been to Madame Tussaud's. Three times.

Every coach has his own philosophy.

I have a tremendous respect to all French Federation of Football football teams, players, and supporters.

I want to play football, and I want to help the team. It doesn't matter if I play midfield, if I play in defence, if I play as a striker.

I'm a joker; that's my choice. It's my style. But I care about my life. I care about the game. I care about the people who gave me this opportunity.

Mano Menezes is a fantastic coach, but Scolari is a fantastic coach, too, as well as being more experienced.

The weather was so cold in Lisbon when I arrived. I decided, 'Let's grow the hair to hide my ears.' And after that, it became nice hair.

I've always said my shoulders are broad, and I can take on that extra responsibility. I love it. I want it. I prefer to take it on myself to help the other guys, who can then go out and play with their heads clear and calm.

If you don't take risks in your life, you never feel something new, so I taste something new, and I like that.

You have moments where you're down, but I can be sad for one or two hours, no more. The rest of the time, I have to be happy because the team needs me to be positive. My brain needs it. I need it.

I love Sarri's philosophy. We play high, with a lot of possession in a technical way.

If I was playing for a club in mid-table, I could make three or four mistakes, and no one would notice because the analysis is not at the top level. But when you play for a big club, every little mistake is highlighted. So every day, you work, work, work.

Nobody likes to lose a Champions League semi-final.

I was never afraid to come back to Paris. I trust the club; I trust this country.

When Chelsea came to me and said they wanted me to come back, I was happy because I had a special moment here - one of the best in my career. I won the Champions League, the Europa League.

Scolari is a fantastic coach, a fantastic man, and he is so transparent.

My dream was always to play for Brazil.

I don't speak about the future.

That's why football is so nice - it gives us the opportunity to react quickly and learn a lot from a situation, what were our mistakes, and where things went wrong.

Other players can be leaders on the pitch, but not all players can understand another player, so I try to. You need to understand the heart of another player. I try to read other people, to figure out how I can joke with this guy, how I can help him or touch his heart.

You cannot hide yourself from any situation.

I know what is important. When I go to the pitch, I cannot laugh; I respect the other players. I try my best and put my passion inside the game.

Yes, I love playing football, so it doesn't matter where I play.

I like to have fun, but there are moments you need to show yourself, and that, for me, is on the pitch.

Brazil has people in some places with so difficult situations. They prefer to smile than cry because they love life. They love to be happy. That's Brazilian style.

I think it was genetic: my legs were born like this.

I came back to Chelsea to stay. When I took my decision to come back here from Paris, it was to win the Premier League and to do something again with Chelsea, so I am very happy here.

It's never easy to lose the games and then come back stronger.

I changed my position when I was 16 or 17. I started in midfield or further forward as a number 10, and then in one tournament, we lost two defenders to injury in the same game, and we didn't have any on the bench. So I played at the back, and the manager of the first team saw me, and he said, 'I want this guy in the first team,' and that was that!

Many, many of the teams respect Chelsea. Chelsea is a big club. It doesn't matter the position of the table: the respect is always there.

Everything in life belongs to God. Our purpose has already been mapped out.

I have played in big clubs for many, many years. When you win, it is good, but when you lose, nobody is going to be happy, and the pressure is going to be there.