I want to do well for myself and my sponsors... but I feel no pressure, because I don't play for the money.

For me, it's about the tennis and the trophies. I'm not motivated by money.

I will do a chocolate deal for product only. No need for money.

I think you just have to take life as it goes, and I believe you never get things put on you that you can't handle.

I had a fan go down on one knee with a ring and ask me to marry him.

I always believe in myself, no matter what my ranking.

Sometimes I need a boost, and I go for something that's a little bit more intense and a bigger beat.

I find it funny when women share makeup-free selfies on Twitter or Instagram, and it's such a huge deal.

I think America is a great place to grow up. It's a good lifestyle.

I think you just learn so much about yourself over the years.

With the depth of the women's game, the entertainment it gives, and the work we put into it, I think equal pay is right.

So, yeah, Dad was right. Tennis was the way to go.

It's tough to play well - or not that well - when you're injured.

If there is a camera or someone making a picture or - just do the things you always want to do, because if you start thinking about everything, then you start changing the things you would do. And that's not the life you want to live.

My dream was always, when I was a little girl, to be number one and to win grand slams as the number one.

I love to watch 'Property Brothers.'

I have a 'cheat day' a week. I can really indulge and treat myself.

I love New York. It's my favorite city in the world.

Fashion says a lot about a person.

I'm not looking for anybody or anything. I'm just living my life.

I just live my life and do what I want to do and don't think about what is written about me.

When I am on court, I am so focused on what I am doing, that's all I think about - trying to win the next point.

I would like a taller guy so I can wear high heels.

I look for someone who is honest, fun to be around, and doesn't take himself too seriously.

When you're on court, you just want to win. You're a competitor.

I like to be a little different. I like details. Whatever I wear, I always have a say.

Even when my opponent hits a very good shot, I don't just want to get it back. I want to get it back so they have difficulty. And then I can control the point.

There are periods when you feel really good. You feel the ball is bigger. The court is larger. You feel like you can't miss. And then there are periods when you feel, 'OK, I'm not feeling great.' But I still need to try to find a way to win.

I'm a competitor. Gym work can be tough. But you just try to get through it.

I think that's what it's all about; you work hard and practice to play on the big courts.

I think a lot of us women feel like we deserve to play on the big courts in front of a big crowd as well.

Sometimes when you get to the press conferences, you hear you're going to play this person in the semifinals, and in the quarters, you're going to play her. And I'm like, 'Hold on a second.' First of all, you have to make it there. Second, your opponent needs to make it there. It looks easier on paper than it is in real life.

There are always some surprises in the draw when people are playing pretty well.

I like to watch the men play. I like the way that they're playing, and I can always learn something from them. They're playing differently than the women, so I like to learn from them as well.

If I didn't love tennis, I wouldn't be playing. That's also why I don't know how long I will be playing because if I start feeling like this is not what I want to do anymore, that there's not really any reason anymore.

You can either feel sorry for yourself and lay down and cry, or you can actually learn from it and move on and find all the positives in it.

I always feel if I work hard, if I can practice 100%, then the results will come. Whether it's the first tournament, the third tournament, it's going to come.

The media will build you up in a hurry but then, just as fast, will bring you down.

I don't think I need to prove anything to anybody.

You have to be that 1 percent or 2 percent better physically so you have more power and energy left than your opponent when you go to a third set.

The best feeling is when you finish a point at the net.

It's tough to perform every week and do it well. Most people don't know how hard that is.

Sometimes things happen in life, and you kind of need a friend.

When I get the questions, I answer what I can answer. If they ask me about the match, I cannot really say that I like eating bananas.

Honestly, I don't really read about myself. I look at the pictures sometimes. Sometimes I'm looking at them, and I'm thinking, 'They could choose some better ones.' But I don't spend time reading about myself because I know what I'm up to. I prefer to read about other people.

My mom is my great supporter. It's always nice to have her around. She can cook. It's nice to have some home-cooked food sometimes.

I like to bake, so sometimes I do the desserts. I don't eat too much desserts, though, because I need to be able to move around on the court.

I think it is very important to have a life off the court, and to me, it wasn't that hard to balance tennis and a relationship.

I grew up eating anything at any time and going straight on court. So I'm not really that picky.

I love working with kids and helping others, so I feel like a career in teaching would be perfect.